Working remotely - especially from home - can be tough. You may not be as productive as you would have been in the office. But that’s ok!
What is the problem?
Currently many of us are forced to work in an environment that is not ideal. Some lack proper working space or equipment, some need to look after their children while working from home. Some miss the strict separation of their work and personal life. We adapt, we improvise, we try our best to keep up, wondering how long it will take for the world to turn back to normal. There will be times in which you’re not as productive as you could be. There will be times in which you feel uneasy and alone. Keep in mind that we humans are social beings. We need to surround ourselves with our colleagues, friends and families in order to feel connected and mentally healthy. Yet, this is what we lack that at the moment. We lack lunch breaks, eye contact and small talk over a cup of coffee. Remember that non-verbal communication makes up to two-thirds of all our communication. Also remember that none of this is your fault. Don’t blame yourself! Lose your guilt!
How to do it?
Remind yourself that you should not feel guilty for something you’re not responsible for. Take a deep breath. Focus on what you can do. Rely on your peers. Talk to your team lead / coach / manager about your needs. Substitute social contacts wherever possible. And open up about what frustrates you. Talk to each other. We’re all in this together after all.